Kirk Jay

Sales Executive | Selling steel since 1986
I am a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and have 30 years of experience in the power, process and nuclear supply markets. I have additional experience in contract management and technical sales.

Popular Resources


Product Lookup

Enter some information about the type, size and grade of piping products you need and we'll let you know if we have it in stock. Click here to use the product lookup.


Conversion Charts and Calculators

A comprehensive list of popular calculators and formulas are provided to assist customers specifying steel pipe. Click here to use the calculators.


Material Specification Sheet

The sheet shows the material alloy used in various grades of seamless and welded pipe, buttweld fittings and flanges. Click here to download.

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Top Products

S/A 106

Seamless steel pipe designed to perform at high temperature and pressure in construction, oil & gas and power generation industries.
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S/A 53

Seamless carbon steel pipe intended for mechanical and pressure applications and for steam, water, gas and air transit.
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Seamless or welded pipe intended for pipeline use in the transportation of petroleum and natural gas.
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Does your company inventory fittings?
Our company stocks heavy wall fittings in the process grade of WPL6 (low temp) and in the power grade of WPC.

Does your company stock FBE coated pipe?
Dealing primarily with AML manufactures in USA, Western EU and South Korea. FBE coated pipe is not an inventory commodity for APP as the delivery lead times for many of our FBE coaters is 5 working days or less.

What other product lines do you inventory in addition to carbon steel pipe?
APP is beyond a stockist of carbon steel pipe. The additional commodities of P-grade alloy, SMLS & Welded X65 grade and TP4130 allow our company to offer “mixed” BOM from stock.

Don't see the answer to your question here? Call me now to discuss at 636-730-3087