James Hofman

Sales Executive | Selling steel since 2010
I was born and raised in St. Louis, MO. After starting my career professional career medical sales, I changed industries to work for American Piping Products in 2010. When not helping customers, I’m typically running my two boys around to various sports and activities.

Popular Resources


Product Lookup

Enter some information about the type, size and grade of piping products you need and we'll let you know if we have it in stock. Click here to use the product lookup.


Conversion Charts and Calculators

A comprehensive list of popular calculators and formulas are provided to assist customers specifying steel pipe. Click here to use the calculators.


Material Specification Sheet

The sheet shows the material alloy used in various grades of seamless and welded pipe, buttweld fittings and flanges. Click here to download.

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Top Products

S/A 106

Seamless steel pipe designed to perform at high temperature and pressure in construction, oil & gas and power generation industries.
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S/A 53

Seamless carbon steel pipe intended for mechanical and pressure applications and for steam, water, gas and air transit.
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Seamless or welded pipe intended for pipeline use in the transportation of petroleum and natural gas.
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Is A53-B welded or seamless?
A53-B can be either welded or seamless.

How quickly can I get material?
Usually same day or next day. We’ll be happy to do what it takes to help out.

Can you cut or bevel?
Yes, we can cut, bevel and profile shells. We also offer coatings like FBE and ARO. See our services here.

Don't see the answer to your question here? Call me now to discuss at 1-800-316-5737